One time in northern Sweden we had a two night stay in a wildlife reserve and the opportunity to explore this wilderness on foot. Unfortunately it was definitely going to be a rainy day, but nevertheless a chance to experience this vast environment at close quarters.
Everyone straightened out their tents and gathered provisions, all the while pulling on waterproofs for the day’s hike. A woman I knew from conversation to be quite self assured and sensible, (she had a very responsible job in the NHS and had brought up 3 kids on her own after her husband died), surprised everyone by shouting from inside her tent “Bob !” and then asked “Should I put my waterproof trousers inside my boots or outside them ?” In customary laconic fashion I simply replied “Well, what do you think ?”

Camp in Serri nature reserve – amazingly, the facilities are all maintained and free to use, including firewood and earth closet toilet ! Naturally they would have been burned down by idiots in many places. God bless the Swedes, we really enjoyed it there !
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